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Targets and their motion relative to your satellite are used to drive ConOps logic and satellite pointing. Common targets include the Sun, ground stations, imaging targets, and crosslink or relay satellites.

Screenshot of Sedaro Satellite targets in Playback Viewer

Screenshot of Sedaro Satellite targets in Playback Viewer

Ground Targets#

Ground targets are fixed to the surface of the Earth, specifically the WGS84 ellipsoid.

Space Targets#

Space targets are other Earth-orbiting objects. These could be other satellites targeted by your payload or used for communications crosslink or relay.

Celestial Targets#

Celestial targets are natural objects which are located outside of Earth's atmosphere, such as the Moon and Sun.

Target Groups#

Target groups are used to group targets together so only one Operational Mode and one pointing mode are required to capture behavior that is consistent for multiple targets. A target group can be used in place of a single target to define ConOps condition parameters and/or pointing mode directions. Common applications of target groups include ground stations, relay satellites, constellations, and imaging targets.