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In Sedaro Satellite, a "component" is a discrete heat dissipator - such as a flight computer, radio, actuator, heater, etc. You can create custom components, organized by subsystem, or import them from our COTS library with their predefined loads and load states.

The high-level details of all components, generic and specialized, can be edited in the Spacecraft Dialog. For specialized components (i.e., battery packs, solar panels, power processors, etc.), the design capture for the non-generic properties is completed in the task specific module which "own" these models. For instance, Energy Balance is where the design capture for battery packs, solar panels, and power processors is completed. In the spacecraft dialog, these components can only be deleted and renamed.

COTS Library#

The COTS library contains spacecraft components that are commercially available. These components can be imported to their respective subsystem to be modeled within your mission architecture. Upon import, modifications can be made to the default component to adjust certain parameters (i.e., derate, etc.). Once imported, these components behave like any other component in the system. To access the searchable, filterable COTS library, click the following link from the relevant design capture interfaces.

Don't see one of your components there? We are always adding to the library - send us a datasheet and we will add it as soon as possible:

If there is ever a change made to a COTS component that you use in your design(s), we will send you an email letting you know of the change and provide you with the option to update your design(s) appropriately.

Opening the Dialog#
Open COTS Library Button

Open COTS Library Button

Component Reconciliation#

If an imported component is to replace an existing component (e.g., power processor) or it requires connection to another entity (e.g., associating a surface to a solar panel), the "Reconcile Component Relationships" dialog will open. Use this dialog to make all the necessary associations and to migrate loads (only applicable to power processors).

Importing a power processor will overwrite all previous bus regulators. In order to reconcile the component change, drag and drop your previous bus regulators to the appropriate buses on the new component. This will migrate the loads from the old components bus to the new model.

In this case, any loads currently attached directly to your power controller output(s) will be reconnected to the new power controller bus.



The power subsystem houses all components related to generating, distributing, and storing electrical energy. It commonly includes the power processor, solar arrays, and battery - along with supporting components such as battery heaters and solar array drive assemblies.

Command, Control, and Data Handling (CC&DH)#

The CC&DH subsystem houses all components related to processing data and controlling the satellite's operations throughout the mission. It commonly includes flight computers, mass memory units, and other data-processing devices.

Communications (Comms)#

The comms subsystem houses all components related to transmitting and receiving data between the satellite and the various links in your mission's communications architecture. It commonly includes amplifiers, antennas, and radios.


The attitude subsystem houses all components related to determining and controlling the attitude of the satellite. It commonly includes star trackers, sun sensors, magnetometers, reaction wheels, and control thrusters.


The thermal subsystem houses all components related to determining and controlling the thermal state of the satellite. It commonly includes heaters, chillers, reflectors, radiators, and thermal sensors.


The propulsion subsytem houses all components related to controlling the spacecraft's trajectory. It primarily consists of thrusters, propellant tanks, and GNC sensors.


The payload subsystem houses all components primarily used for carrying out the mission objectives. These are typically unique to the mission and can range from remote sensing instruments to experimental microgravity testbeds.


Custom subsystems can be created for any other purpose not covered by the defaults. Much like the defaults, custom subsystems can be assigned the components that carry out the subsystem's function.