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Time Series

The Time Series Board features detailed information on the time histories of the satellite's orbit and attitude, the various Targets, and the mission ConOps.


Orbit time series show the satellite's position and velocity in the ECI and ECEF reference frames, as well as the orbital elements of your stable orbit. Additionally, it shows various solar parameters useful for analyzing the state of your satellite.

Attitude and Body Frame Vectors#

Attitude and Body Frame Vector time series provide data about the satellite's orientation in the ECI and ECEF reference frames, as well as the angles from your Body Frame Vector to the geocenter and Sun.


Information about each Targets's position, distance and view to your satellite, and solar parameters are presented on separate widgets.


The ConOps time series features an overview of your mission's Condition compliance and active Operational Modes. Except for the default, an Operational Mode is shown as compliant only if all of its Conditions are compliant. If time constraints are applied to an Operational Mode, it can become inactive at certain time steps even if all of its Conditions are met.