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To view simulation results, click on the Analyze section of the sidebar. You can then select whether you would like to see an overview of the results with the Playback section, or view the results of a specific agent with the Agents section.


The Playback view allows you to view an overview of the simulation results. It graphically displays the position and orientation of all agents, the orbit tails of space agents, and the data interfaces between agents throughout the simulation.

View an overview of the simulation

The slider at the bottom of the screen is used to change the playback time and playback rate. In the top left of the view there is a gear icon that opens the settings menu, where you can toggle things like orbit tails data and interface lines as well as change the scale of the agent models and which map is used for Earth.

Wildfire's Results

To view specific agent results, click on the Agents section in the sidebar. You will see a list of the templated agents in the scenario and you can select which you would like to analyze.

Select the Wildfire agent to begin looking at its results.

View the results for a specific agent

Once you select the results for a specific templated agent, you will see a list of menus populate the sidebar. These menus correspond to the results from individual simulation engines or subsystems. Under each menu you can select the following views:

  • Playback: view simulation playback focused around the current agent along with relevant widgets
  • Time Series: view a variety of plots and graphs that show how variables change throughout the current data window
  • Window Statistics: view statistics for the results of the current data window

As an example, we will explore the Wildfire's Command & Control results, where we can see a breakdown of the performance for Wildfire's operational modes, conditions, and targets.

Navigate through Command & Control results

When we click on Command & Control, we are first brought to the Playback view. Here we can visualize the simulation's results through the playback window as well as view helpful information in this pane's widgets. Each main section (GNC, Command & Control, Data Handling, etc.) will have unique widgets in its Playback view that are relevant for that system.

Next, we click on Time Series. This expands to show three sub-sections: Operational Modes, Conditions, and Targets. In Operational Modes, there is a table showing which operational mode is active throughout the current data window. In Targets, we can see plots of variables associated with Wildfire's targets. Each main section will have different sub-sections and information in its Time Series and Window Statistics views that are relevant for that system.

Finally, we click on Window Statistics. This expands to show a pie chart of how much time Wildfire spent in each operational mode.

Take your time to explore the other views and systems to see the GNC, Command & Control, Data Handling, Power, and Thermal results. If you want to change the performance of specific components and systems, feel free to make changes to your new copy of Wildfire. After you make changes, all you will have to do is click Simulate again and you will be able to study how you affected Wildfire's performance.