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Command & Control

The Command & Control subsystem consists of the spacecraft's operational logic, commanded attitude, and subsystem control configurations.


Conditions are used to create the logic that selects the active operational mode, active target within a target group, and field of view state at any given moment during a simulation. Wildfire will utilize two main types of conditions: comparison conditions and compound conditions. Comparison conditions focus on satellite parameters, target parameters, or the date and time while compound conditions are used to combine the state of other conditions.

Create a condition

Satellite Parameter Conditions

Add the following satellite parameter conditions:

NameCondition TypeParameter AParameter A ValueRelationshipParameter BParameter B Value
Battery NominalComparisonSatellite ParameterBattery State of ChargeGreater ThanConstant20%
Non-EclipseComparisonSatellite ParameterEclipse StateEqual ToConstantFalse

Target Parameter Conditions

Add the following target parameter conditions:

NameCondition TypeParameter AParameter A TargetTarget ParameterGroup RollerRelationshipParameter BParameter B ValueFilters Target Group
Imaging Elevation AngleComparisonTarget ParameterWildfiresSatellite ElevationanyGreater ThanConstant10°
LaserComm Line of SightComparisonTarget ParameterLaserComm RelaysLine of SightanyEqual ToConstantTrue

Date and Time Conditions

Add the following date and time conditions:

NameCondition TypeParameter ARelationshipParameter BMission Time (UTC)
Burn 1 Lower LimitComparisonDate and TimeGreater Than or Equal ToConstant2023-04-19 08:34:00
Burn 1 Upper LimitComparisonDate and TimeLess Than or Equal ToConstant2023-04-19 08:39:00
Burn 2 Lower LimitComparisonDate and TimeGreater Than or Equal ToConstant2023-04-19 09:22:00
Burn 2 Upper LimitComparisonDate and TimeLess Than or Equal ToConstant2023-04-19 09:27:00
Orbit Raising WindowComparisonDate and TimeLess Than or Equal ToConstant2023-04-19 09:30:00

Compound Conditions

Add the following compound conditions:

NameCondition TypeConditionsCompound Operator
Burn 1 ConditionCompound ConditionBurn 1 Lower Limit, Burn 1 Upper Limit, Orbit Raising Windowall
Burn 2 ConditionCompound ConditionBurn 2 Lower Limit, Burn 2 Upper Limit, Orbit Raising Windowall
Burn ConditionCompound ConditionBurn 1 Condition, Burn 2 Conditionany

Operational Modes

Operational modes are used to select which pointing mode, data handling interfaces, data handling modes, and component power loadings are active. Operational modes are ranked by priority, with the active operational mode being the highest ranked mode that also has all conditions met at the start of a given time step. If any condition associated with an operational mode is not met, the operational mode will not be activated. One operational mode is chosen as the default and will behave like all other defined modes, but additionally will be active if no other operational mode is active.

Create an operational mode

To change the priority of operational modes, simply drag and drop the operational modes and put them in the desired order of priority.

Prioritize operational modes

When adding operational modes to Wildfire, you can edit the Default mode to match the Default mode in the table below, or you can delete the Default mode after creating your own operational modes. In the table below, a priority of 1 represents the operational mode with the highest priority. Create the following operational modes:

Operational Mode NamePointing ModeLimit duration and/or frequencyConditionsPriority
BurningBurn PointingBattery Nominal, Orbit Raising Window, Burn Condition1
Orbit RaisingForward PointingBattery Nominal, Orbit Raising Window2
ImagingImaging Pointing
Min Time Between Occurrences: 3 min
Battery Nominal, Non-Eclipse, Imaging Elevation Angle3
CrosslinkCrosslink Pointing
Max Occurrence Duration: 20 min
Min Time Between Occurrences: 15 min
Battery Nominal, LaserComm Line of Sight4
StandbyNadir Idle Pointing5 (Default)