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Time Series

The Time Series Board details information of the time histories of the satellite's power processing, power generation, energy storage, power consumption, and dissipation.

Power Processing#

Power processing time series show the Power Processor's output power divided by the controller bus and by each Bus Regulator. Each bus provides power to any Components and Bus Regulators directly connected to it.

Power Generation#

The power generation time series provide an overview of the operating point of the Solar Arrays and Solar Panels. Additionally, it provides information on each panel's available power time history, which is a function of its solar view factor.

Energy Storage#

The energy storage time series show the Battery's state of charge as well as its operating point, broken down by constituent packs.

Subsystem Loading#

The subsystem loading time series provide an overview of the power consumed by all Components of the satellite, organized by Subsystem.


The dissipation time series show the dissipation of all Components of the satellite, as well as the energy storage and power processing sections of the EPS. Here, you can see the duty cycles of your loads in action, and how they contribute to the overall power consumption of your satellite.