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Subsystem Loading

Here, you can define the power loading associated with each component in every subsystem. In Sedaro, a component can be a discrete power sink and heat dissipator (among other things) - such as a flight computer, radio, etc. Note that Actuators (reaction wheels, magnetorquers) and Temperature Controllers (heaters, coolers) should not be given Load States for performing their intended functions, although they are allowed to have load states to model their static loading.

The Component table of each Subsystem is populated with all of the components created in the Generic Components Dialog.

Click on a Component to view and add Load States. Load states are used to define the different loading configurations of a component. A load state is active when one of its associated Routines is active. At each step, the loads under each component's active load state are powered. For example, a radio could have two load states: 'Rx' and 'Tx/Rx'. To capture the loading of receive mode (Rx), a load state could be created with loading on the 5V bus. This load state could then be associated to operational modes where only the receiver should be powered. In the transmit and receive mode (Tx/Rx), another load state could be created with loading on both the 5V and 12V buses. Like the Rx case, this load state could be associated to the Routines where the transmitter and receiver should both be powered.

To create a Load State, click the "+" button at the bottom of the table. After selecting a name, click "Save" and you will be given the opportunity to add loads to your new load state. Creating different loads will allow for this component to draw from multiple power sources and to behave as a constant power and constant resistance load, if so desired. Finally, select the Routines during which this load state is active.